Contrast Hydrotherapy


Growing up, my mom always told us to rinse ourselves with cool water before getting out of the shower.  She said it tightened your pores and made your hair shiny.  I never knew if it actually worked, but it felt pretty good, so I guess it just became a habit.

Years later, I learned that this little ritual was a mild form of what is officially called “contrast hydrotherapy”.  It is actually a mandatory practice in Dr. Sherri Jacobs’ 21 Day Metabolic Cleanse, which I am a HUGE fan of.  (I cannot wait to have this baby and go back on her cleanse ASAP – I have seriously never felt better in my life!)  Anyway, back to contrast hydrotherapy.

Way back when, people of all cultures and walks of life would travel to mineral rich hot or cold springs to treat all kinds of ailments as well as to relax and rejuvenate.  Today, we visit the spa, but we can get some serious benefits from our own shower at home.  What if I told you that practicing contrast hydrotherapy improves circulation, immunity, and energy levels?  Truth.  It also promotes the release of toxins and regulates body temperature along with reducing inflammation and strengthening blood vessels (which in turn improves skin elasticity).  So, those tightened pores and shinier hair my mom promised?  Delivered.

Scientifically speaking: The application of contrasting temperatures of water encourages a pumping action of your body, moving blood from your organs and tissues to the skin and periphery, and back again. The increased circulation results in increased deliver of nutrients and oxygen to all tissues, allows white blood cells to distribute themselves appropriately, and allows tissues to rid themselves of toxins, metabolic wastes and by-products of inflammation.  Did I mention that this practice is FREE?

Dr. Sherri’s golden rule is 3 : 30 : 3 :  30

Take your normal hot shower for at least 3 minutes.  Then, switch to cold water for 30 seconds.  Back to hot for 3 minutes, back to cold for 30 seconds.  Repeat the cycle two more times.  The greater the difference between temperatures, the better the benefits.  Start off easy and try to increase the difference between temperatures over time.  Never go below 65 or above 110 degrees.  Always check with your doctor before initiating this or any treatment.

Let me know how it goes!
